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Prince Caspian (Narnia, #2) - CS Lewis


There is so much about this world that I love. Not only is it Narnia, but you also have the political intrigue of "Old Narnia" and "New Narnia" and then there's Prince Caspian, thrown in the middle.

But I think my favourite part was when Aslan returned and only Lucy could see him. Then he asked her to leave the others and follow him if they didn't believe that he was there.

That's such an important thing for a Christ follower to realise. Sometimes you have to leave everyone to do his will, and you just have to trust him if you believe in him.

I also loved the children's pull back into Narnia. I loved that they were called for help and that the magic of Narnia brought them back.

I also love CS Lewis' writing style. I love that it's tight, and concise, and that you aren't overwhelmed by information. I also love his fourth-wall breaks where he interjects his own comments. It makes it more like a story being told, rather than something you're just listening to.

I've probably said that before, but I really love it. I love these books.

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